Download the League Rules & Regulations
League Participant Expectations PDF
Rules of Play
1. Playing time: Every Player listed on the Game Sheet and present in the Gym must play at least 2 times during each half of the game unless excused due to illness, injury, late arrival, or for disciplinary reasons. Game Officials and the Coach of the opposing team must be informed of any of the above conditions prior to the start or during the game. The condition must be noted on the official Game Sheet. The Coach is responsible for ensuring this rule is adhered to. Failure to comply with this rule will result in forfeiture of the game. Coaches are encouraged to play all Players for an equal amount of time per game.
2. Every Player listed on the Game Sheet and present in the Gym must be substituted for at least 2 times during each half of the game unless the team has the minimum number of players available to play. Game Officials and the Coach of the opposing team must be informed of any shortage of players prior to the start or during the game. The shortage must be noted on the official Game Sheet. The Coach is responsible for ensuring this rule is adhered to. Failure to comply with this rule will result in forfeiture of the game. Coaches are encouraged to play all Players for an equal amount of time per game.
3. Players must wear appropriate clothing to all practices and games. Indoor, nonmarking shoes, solid colored shirts (provided by the League) and gym shorts without pockets are mandatory.
4. League supplied T-shirts are not to be modified during the season. They become property of the Player at the end of the season.
5. T-shirts must be tucked in at all times.
6. Jewelry is not permitted on the court. Watches, rings, ear rings, wrist bands, necklaces, or any other jewelry that could get caught and cause injury is prohibited.
7. All Players, Coaches, and Parents are to exhibit good sportsmanship at all times
Border City Basketball is a volunteer, non-profit organization that coordinates a community based basketball program in Lloydminster. The purpose of a community based program is to foster and encourage participation in and enjoyment of the sport of basketball, through the teaching of skills, good sportsmanship, and the rules of the game. The welfare of the players is of paramount importance.
In order to ensure we are successful in this endeavor it is a requirement of all Players, Coaches, Parents, Administrators, and Referees to adhere to the Expectations and Rules listed below:
Expectations for Coaches
• At all times make the experience a positive one for all of your Players
• Demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times, on and off the court
• Encourage all Players through positive feedback. Take time to explain how a skill or play is to be properly executed
• Allow equal playing time for all Players. The only time a Player’s playing time is to be shortened is for disciplinary reasons. Should disciplinary action be required, Coaches are expected to explain the reasons and extent of the disciplinary action to both the Player and his or her parents
• Emphasize participation and skill development over competitiveness
• Demonstrate a commitment to the purpose of the program
• Promote a positive attitude towards the game
• Always be on time
• Maintain and enforce the rules for access to schools
• Recruit Parents for assistance and scorekeeping for games
• Advise Players of any changes to practice times or game schedule
• Abuse of Coaches, Players, or Officials will not be tolerated
Expectations for Players
• Demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times, on and off the court
• Regularly attend practices and games. Repeated absences from practices and games may result in disciplinary action, such as reduced playing time
• Demonstrate a positive attitude. Cheer for your team, not against your opponent
• Show respect for all Players, Coaches, Parents, and Officials
• Always be on time. Try to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to practices and games
• Stay out of all areas of the school except the Gym and Washrooms
• Do not remove Basketballs from the Gym
• Leave all balls in the storage boxes or bags until it is your time to practice
• Notify your Coach if you are going to be absent from practices or games
• Abuse of Coaches, Players, or Officials will not be
Expectations for Parents
• Demonstrate a positive attitude.
• Be a role model to your child, promote sportsmanship at all times
• Notify your child’s Coach if they are going to be absent from practices or games
• Ensure siblings are not left unattended. They should be seated with their Parents. with the exception of Gyms and Washrooms all areas of the schools are off limits
• Be involved. Volunteer to Coach, assist with practice, or score keep at games
• Support the decisions of the Coaches and Referees
• Abuse of Coaches, Players, or Officials will not be tolerated